SANDY THOMAS ADV. stomach into a wild swirl. He decided to ignore the mocking voice inside and answered softly, "I'd like that."

Curls and bows and frilly things; it was what being a female and being feminine was all about!

The PTA tea was a resounding success. Attendance was nearly double that of any previous PTA event. Word had gone around that the Freshie Queen "girls" would be there and the whole community was curious to see these brave young men. The boys did not disappoint.

Sam wore an elegant green cocktail dress that complimented his red hair. His mother was wearing a matching dress for a mother/daughter expression. For the first time, Sam's schoolmates saw him with his hair up in a smooth French Twist which made him look much older than his true age. More than one male received an elbow in the ribs from their spouses for staring too hard at the sultry image that this "girl" presented.

Paul looked smashing in a "little black dress" that offset his stunning blonde curls. He used his mid-back length hair to advantage as it spilled in a mass of feminine ringlet curls over the smooth bare shoulders presented by his dress. His mother accented his already classic features with bold red lipstick and evening eye makeup to present a look that defied anyone to say that Paul just looked like a school boy in a dress.

Evan, as usual, had picked out his own clothes and had mostly done his own makeup and hair. Unlike the other two boys, he seemed to have slipped most naturally into the feminine lifestyle. His mother just watched as he went about his routine. Cosmetics seemed to be second nature to him and he could do things with his hair that most girls couldn't master even after years of practice.

For the PTA tea he had selected a Chinese style dress of mid-calf length in black and red silk. His makeup was much bolder than anyone had seen on him before. For once Evan had abandoned his usual natural girl look, for that of an oriental temptress. Bold eye makeup and a tightly pulled back hairstyle made him look like a blonde Far East beauty. Gold earrings and a matching gold pendant around his neck accented the shiny silk fabric of his dress.

copyright, 1995 BLONDE & BLONDER -55 Needless to say that the three boys were the center of all attention at the PTA tea. The three real female contestants were steaming mad as they barely got a glance from the people attending!

The boys, smothered with attention, almost forgot how humiliated they should be. Their skirts swished across their legs as they walked, swinging and swaying with each step. Each boy did their best to be "too feminine" to be a sissy.

The whole evening was filled with an endless barrage of questions from the ladies (and some gentleman) at the function.

One handsome gentleman, a friend of Sam's mother came up to them and asked Sam, "I have always found it inspiring to see young ladies dressed like their mothers? It's too bad you can't do it more.'


Sam's mother interrupted, "I could just see us now in our matching dresses. . .we could even wear our hair the same way!'

Sam let out a deep sigh and heard the man say, "I just have to say that Sam's so adorable when he's dressed just like his mommy. Maybe sometime I could take the two of you out to a fancy dinner and dancing?”

"I don't know how to dance," Sam said shyly, blushing as the man went on about how much they looked alike and even how the color of their dresses accented their beauty. Sam fluffed his hair with his pink tipped fingers and was startled to see his mother making the same gesture. Sam was starting to behave like a girl.


"I used to teach ballroom dancing," the gentleman said, "If it's okay with your mother, I could teach you to dance.' "As a girl?" Sam said, his eyes opening and his cheeks aflame. Was the man was assuming he liked wearing dresses?

"Of course," he said, his voice had a degree of warmth and charm. "It would be fun. The three of us could go to dances all over town!"

The suggestion sent waves of excitement through Sam. His mother was quickly infected with the man's enthusiasm. "It would be nice for Sam to learn to dance."

After he left, Sam's mother whispered, "Amazing! I've been trying to get him to ask me out for years!"